Sunday, January 15, 2012

P93 - MAC OS X and Photosmart 7510 series

On Apple web site I find that above mentioned multifunction is fully compatible with MAC OS X - it is however with so many bugs that scanner is useless.

When I try to change any scanner setting then program keeps crashing. Default settings are really bad. What to do? There is an Apple automator which is great help. Bellow you will find easy solution to address this problem. Create various settings save it to your desktop. I did following variations of the program on my computer:

1. Scan one page from the glas
2. Scan from feeder and save as separate files
3. Scan from feeder and generate single pdf

It works - just place your originals to the feeder and click ..... the possibilities of automator are endless .... 

Here is a print-out from the automator work flow:

The workflow and pdf printout can download by clicking on the links (once I make them working).  These links are on my ftp server. Anybody know how to add various files to this blog?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why this blog?

Well, have lot of bit and pieces I'd like to share with you. Like little apple scripts, some small shell programs, lot of knowledge about Siemens Teleperm XP and T20000, lot of networking experience.

I learn lot from open source and my feeling is that information should be shared. Let's stop reinventing wheel.